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Nightdriver - EIDA

Jun 27, 2019 · 1 min read
Nightdriver - EIDA

From galaxies distant, our little city of Dhaka could look like a cluster of stars. There’s just so much light.

Zoom in a little closer, it may look something like the back of a translucent butterfly floating over an abyss.

A little closer (like Google map close) and it’s a bonafide metropolitan! The sheer urbanity of the city night sky can spur intense political discussions about why we don’t rival New York or Paris already.

But this is where you should stop it with the zooming. From this point onward, shit falls apart. The illuminated gridlines become insufferable gridlocks. The vibrance is exposed, the spirit is debunked. What is left is a city burnt out from overreaching itself.

Zoom in any more and you get a taste of the real nightlife of this city. It’s you, a newlywed, sat on a public bus, 3 hours after your office closed. You’re sweating profusely, you have a 5-hour sleep to catch, and what’s supposed to be the best time of your life is just slipping away from your fingers. You just can’t take this anymore. Gggaaaaahhhhh.

Someone get news out to the galaxies. We don’t want the lights to betray some innocent aliens into this speed trap. I mean, we still make do, but it’ll probably be pretty hard for someone to go from lightspeed to 4 km/h just like that.

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